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Nirengi Association is an NGO that conducts projects on Psychosocial Support, Humanitarian Aid-Disaster and Emergency Management and Development, Direct Support for Vulnerable Groups, Advocacy and Networking, Policy Development, Social Dialogue and Development, Capacity Improvement and Research areas.
I Have Been Subjected to Violence
Child, Early and Forced Marriages
Helping the Helpers
First 1000 Days For A Healthy Development
Child Protection Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Action
Art Theraphy

Kahramanmaras Turkey Earthquake Initial Rapid Needs Assessment

Expected Marmara Earthquake Webinar
Expected Marmara Earthquake Webinar Tuesday, October 13, 2020 | 14:00

October 4 World Animal Day Webinar
World Animal Day Instagram Live Broadcast Sunday, October 4 | 14:00

The Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability
We want to share the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability on August 19, World Humanitarian Day.

Understanding the Emotion of Anger Webinar | Nirengi Academy Talks
World Animal Day Instagram Live Broadcast Sunday, October 4 | 14:00

Positive Youth Development Online Webinar
Positive Youth Development Online Webinar announcement

Violence in Relationships in the Days of Covid-19 Webinar | Nirengi Academy Talks
Violence in Relationships in the Days of Covid-19 Webinar Thursday, May 7 | 21:30

Covid-19 Pandemic and Child Protection Standards Webinar | Nirengi Academy Talks
Covid-19 Pandemic and Child Protection Standards Webinar Monday, May 4, 2020 | 14.00

Bodily Reflections of Mental Health in the Days of Covid-19 Webinar | Nirengi Academy Talks
Bodily Reflections of Mental Health in the Days of Covid-19 Webinar May 2, 2020 | 21.30

Public Health in the Days of Covid-19 Webinar | Nirengi Academy Talks
Public Health in the Days of Covid-19 Webinar May 1, 2020 | 21.30

Loss and Grief | Nirengi Academy Talks
Nirengi Academy Talks Loss and Grief video is available on Nirengi Association YouTube channel!

Violence Against Women| Nirengi Academy Talks
Nirengi Academy Talks Violence Against Women video is available on Nirengi Association YouTube channel!

Peer Bullying | Nirengi Academy Talks
Nirengi Academy Talks Peer Bullying video is available on Nirengi Association YouTube channel!

Intimate Partner Violence | Nirengi Academy Talks
Nirengi Academy Talks Intimate Partner Violence video is available on Nirengi Association YouTube channel!
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T: +90 212 337 27 31
F: +90 212 337 27 60
A: Nisbetiye Mahallesi, Gazi Güçnar Sokak, Uygur İş Merkezi, No:4A, Daire:1, Beşiktaş, İSTANBUL, Türkiye