Covid-19 Pandemic and Child Protection Standards Webinar Monday, May 4, 2020 | 14.00
Bodily Reflections of Mental Health in the Days of Covid-19 Webinar May 2, 2020 | 21.30
Nirengi Academy Talks Loss and Grief video is available on Nirengi Association YouTube channel!
Nirengi Academy Talks Violence Against Women video is available on Nirengi Association YouTube channel!
Nirengi Academy Talks Peer Bullying video is available on Nirengi Association YouTube channel!
Nirengi Academy Talks Intimate Partner Violence video is available on Nirengi Association YouTube channel!
INSPIRE: Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children
Nirengi Association, received an award in the field of Goal 5: Gender Equality
Thomson Reuters Awarded the Nirengi Association with Community Champion Award Program.
T: +90 212 337 27 31
F: +90 212 337 27 60
A: Nisbetiye Mahallesi, Gazi Güçnar Sokak, Uygur İş Merkezi, No:4A, Daire:1, Beşiktaş, İSTANBUL, Türkiye